(770) 846-3515

Make Your Own Veggie and Fruit Wash

It may be tempting to eat fresh produce straight out of the grocery bag, but don’t! Consider making your own fruit and veggie wash to loosen debris, remove pesticides, and eliminate some of the bacteria that other grocery shoppers passed on to your produce.

Weight Loss: Stop Me If This Sounds Familiar

We live in a world with tons and tons of ideas about weight loss, health information, and wellness products.  We do not lack ideas, information or salesmen.  What we lack is lifestyle-change mentors, collaborative partnership, and supportive behavior modification specialists . . . like me!

Don’t Eat C.R.A.P.

Stop Eating C.R.A.P. Carbonated, Refined, Artificial, Processed NON-foods masquerading as food floods the shelves of all grocery stores.

Dealing with Sciatica

Sciatica is one of the most common, yet misunderstood, types of pain. As many as 40% of people will get it during their life, and it becomes more frequent as you age. Sciatica tends to get lumped in with regular back pain, but it is different. The pain originates with the sciatic nerves and often goes away by itself within a few hours or days. However, some attacks can come and go for several weeks or even months. Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do to prevent sciatica, as well as relieve the pain.