(770) 846-3515

Mentoring Women and Mentoring Young Women

Mentoring Women and Mentoring Young Women.  Both are long-term curriculum style resources for groups to use in their churches, small groups, schools or any circle of influence where mentoring is at the heart of the project.

Smart Shopping

Hire me to do a Smart Shopping Trip for you and your family.  It is a great way to learn about health and life-giving foods.  Feeding your body well doesn’t have to be such a challenge. That’s why I offer “Smart Shopping” trips to answer most frequently misunderstood...

Control Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes usually affects younger people, although it may occur at any age. Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune disorder wherein the immune system mistakes the healthy beta cells in the pancreas as foreign invaders and attacks them. Unlike Type 2 Diabetes, Type 1...

Yoga MATters!

Yoga can do more than just strengthen and tone your body. In fact, it can do much more – especially for women. It can protect and build our muscles, and since muscle strength helps support our bones as we age, it’s a win-win!

Give the Gift of Health this year!

Give the gift of health! You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I’m telling you why – this year’s favorite holiday gift will be something that will be well received, enthusiastically used and sincerely appreciated!  ME!
Offer a healthy alternative to the piles of gifts that collect dust on your shelves or end up at the bottom of your closet after the holiday season.  This year, buy your loved ones Gift Certificate for nutrition counseling or to one of my many fun, informative and life changing workshops!