(770) 846-3515

Berry Picking Time!

There’s nothing better than fresh picked berries! It’s also lots of fun for the kids to actually visit the farm to pick them and there’s nothing more healthy! You know how I feel about this so I won’t go on with the Phytonutrients,...

Organ of the Month – Gallbladder

Your gallbladder stores bile produced by your liver, and releases it into the digestive tract as needed. The gallbladder is misunderstood by most people, and sadly undervalued by many in the medical field, because they do not understand nutrition or what organs...

Back on Track

Back from Portugal and up 7 pounds! How is this possible? I was shocked and feel like I need a good health coach to explain this phenomenon!  Well relax, I told myself. Mostly water, not fat. I didn’t gain 7 pounds of fat. Travel is hard on our bodies but even...

The Next Step – Master Certification!

I love what I do so much that I want to move up to the next level in my certification – that of Master Certified Health Coach.  I have been working on it this cert since October and will finish this April. The schooling has been intense, and added to my full schedule...

Are You A Smart Shopper?

Are you a Smart Shopper?  I sure hope so, because otherwise you are wasting your money.  I hate that I have to say that, but food is fuel!  Why spend your money on what will not fuel your body?  Money is hard to come by so being a Smart Shopper is key to invest in...

FARMacy not Pharmacy!

Food!  Real Food!  Whole food!  Food contains the power to prevent illness, fight germs and infection, and heal disease.  What has happened to us, folks??  Why have we have fallen prey to big corporation, big box store brand FAKE, EASY, and CHEAP food? It is killing...