(770) 846-3515

Listen To Your Health Coach

Hello you Health-nuts! Well, I hope you are or at least aspiring health nuts! Learning to love the foods that your body loves can be challenging, but it is fun as you explore new and wonderful foods or foods that you thought you didn’t like, then finding a recipe that...

Limit Liquid Calories

Drink more water.  If you think you are drinking a lot of water, then good, drink some more!  In addition to lack of energy and brain fog, mild dehydration can cause a sensation that may be mistaken for hunger.  Also, water rids your body of toxins, and fat!  Where...

FARMacy not Pharmacy!

Food!  Real Food!  Whole food!  Food contains the power to prevent illness, fight germs and infection, and heal disease.  What has happened to us, folks??  Why have we have fallen prey to big corporation, big box store brand FAKE, EASY, and CHEAP food? It is killing...

Your Children Need You

Families are suffering today at the hands of all things CHEAP, EASY, and FAKE.  Our food is our only source of fuel and our bodies depend on us for it!  People tell me, “I know what to do; I just don’t do it.”  I wonder what could possibly be more...

The Whole Food Health Coach

If optimal health is your goal, there’s no getting around your diet. And by diet I don’t mean the restrictions you place on your eating; I mean the choices you make in the food you choose for FUEL.  Food is fuel.  It is not a counselor, comforter, or...