(770) 846-3515

Families are suffering today at the hands of all things CHEAP, EASY, and FAKE.  Our food is our only source of fuel and our bodies depend on us for it!  People tell me, “I know what to do; I just don’t do it.”  I wonder what could possibly be more important that your health?  What is your health worth to you?  One client told me that his “granola bars” only cost $.75 each and the Juice Plus bars that I sell and recommend cost about $2 each.  To which, I said, “Yes, and a candy bar costs $.50, what’s your point!”  YOU ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR.  If your only objective is food that is cheap, but provides no value to your body, then how much is it really costing you??

I promote Juice Plus Protein Bars, and Juice Plus Complete Protein Shakes, because they are the healthiest, most nutrient-dense on the planet.  If I thought there was something better, I would take it myself, but there isn’t so I don’t.  Not at any price.  I shop at Whole Foods Market because inside their walls I am safe from chemical foods, fake foods, and deadly foods.  It is more expensive, but I’m worth it! 

Your children are depending on you (in all areas) to lead them in the right way.  We teach them good manners (hopefully).  We correct them when the lie, cheat, or fight (hopefully).  We model good hard work and not living off of others hard work (hopefully).  We do not turn a blind eye to stealing (hopefully).  We need to see nutrition in the same way.  Teach your children to make good decisions now, and that they will thank you LATER.  Even if they do not understand why they can’t eat candy all day like their friend does, and think you are the meanest parent ever!  You have a responsibility to them.  Food choices matter.  Nutrition is key to healthy brains and healthy brains do well in school and healthy brains that do well in school do well in life.  Don’t tell me “they won’t eat it”, because I’ll say you haven’t made it well, or presented it well, or presented it enough.  Dr. Sears says it take many times for a child to try something to develop a palate for it.  I believe it.  Introduce it many ways.  Eat it yourself. Hire me to do a Creative Cooking or a Pantry Make-over or a L.E.A.N. Family Basics class for you and your family.  Do whatever it takes, but do it.  It matters.  You matter.  They matter.

And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 NLT