(770) 846-3515

L.E.A.N. and Clean in 2017

Slogans for eating clean and getting lean in 2017 are popping up everywhere.  You can’t go far without hearing a new one, though not so far from the one I chose. Why?  Because my friend, apparently there is something very magical about the turn of a new year, or...

Prime Time Health and Nutrition Class

Prime Time Health is for the young at heart who want to stay that way!  AND for those who want their body and mind to be a strong as their spirit throughout their life!  You do not have to be over 40 to enjoy the information provided in this series taught by Certified...

Are All Calories Created Equal?

According to the laws of thermodymanics, all calories are created equal (at least on paper), BUT (and this is a big but) the way our body breaks down carbohydrates, protein and fat, the three main sources of calories in our diet, and the effect they have on our bodies...

Prime Time Health and Nutrition Class

Prime Time Health is for the young at heart who want to stay that way!  You do not have to be over 40 to enjoy the information provided in this series taught by Certified Health and Nutrition Coach, Stephanie Wolfe. Stephanie is an educator at heart and you will...