(770) 846-3515

img_9482Slogans for eating clean and getting lean in 2017 are popping up everywhere.  You can’t go far without hearing a new one, though not so far from the one I chose. Why?  Because my friend, apparently there is something very magical about the turn of a new year, or new month, or new week, that says, “Come on we can do it now! I know we can!  It’s a new year!”  And off we go with our new list of goals.  The media uses the love of slogans and puns to get the world to get on board.  Well, whatever works, so here I go, joining the crowd, following the leaders, with my ever-intriguing, get the world on board slogan with “L.E.A.N. and Clean in 2017!”

However, it is the same tried and true message as last year, the same amazing science, the same proven effective, powerful message; just a new title.  Well, not entirely new,  Simple math, additions, subtractions, multiplications, and divisions.   Multiply positive habits, divide unhealthy habits, add movement and healthy mindset, subtract dead food, add living food.  Not much has changed . . . just the slogan . . . it now ends in 17 instead of 13, 14, 15, 16, and I’m pretty sure you will see more of the same in 2018 and 2019, but WOW, what will we say about 2020?  (Well, we’ve got some time to think about it.)

So back to the magic New Year.  The first day of the week – yes, equally magical is a Monday, even though the actual first day of the week is Sunday.  Maybe a fresh start is the way our minds grab hold of the challenge ahead.  A sort of mental preparation.  Kind of like packing for a long road trip, studying for a big test, or getting your affairs in order.  Hey wait, those are happy things to prepare for!  Those aren’t exciting things that bring upbeat thoughts or fun feelings!  Sadly, most of our “diets” don’t either!  Well, mine does! Because it is the not-a-diet-diet!  (I know I am going to wish I had trademarked that phrase.)

L.E.A.N. stands for Lifestyle.  Exercise.  Attitude.  Nutrition.  This is what I have been guiding students to do for the past 2 years as The Whole Food Health Coach.  Yep, the same successful plan, with the same successful health coach, just a new slogan.

Happy New Year, Stephanie