(770) 846-3515

What’s a Certified Health Coach?

What is a Certified Health and Wellness Coach?   According to DSWI, A Certified Health Coach helps others achieve their health and wellness goals by providing science-based, trusted information, positive encouragement, and continual motivation.”  –DSWI (Dr....

Are All Calories Created Equal?

According to the laws of thermodymanics, all calories are created equal (at least on paper), BUT (and this is a big but) the way our body breaks down carbohydrates, protein and fat, the three main sources of calories in our diet, and the effect they have on our bodies...

Vitamins or Vegetables

Vitamins or Vegetables? 82% of children do not eat enough vegetables to keep them strong, healthy and smart, but vitamins are NOT the answer to this problem!  Attention all parents!  Vitamin consumption in America upsets me almost as much as prescription drug use! ...

Good, Better, Best Nutrition

I believe in what I call a “good, better, best” approach to eating.  Let me explain.  We can’t ALWAYS make the perfect choice, but we can make the good, better, or “best” choice from the options available.  On a scale from 1 to 10, we may...

Prime Time Health

Enjoy the Second Half of Life! I am now 58 years old (just had a birthday), but in my mind I am still 38.  I say 38 because I loved my 30s and 20 years ago seems like a good round number.  I remember living in the first half of my life and thought that I didn’t...

Sitting Is Fattening! Are You Sitting Too Much?

SITTING IS FATTENING!  Are you Sitting Too Much?  How much is too much?  Well, some would say that our bottoms were created for sitting!  Sitting is a good thing! So what’s the big deal?  Sitting is indeed a good thing, but the big deal is that too much of a...