The Most Wonder-FULL Time of Year
It’s here! The most wonderful time of year! A time when our homes and our hearts are full. When we get to be present and enjoy extra time with family and friends.
It’s here! The most wonderful time of year! A time when our homes and our hearts are full. When we get to be present and enjoy extra time with family and friends.
This is Men’s Health Month, but these tips work well throughout the year! We love the men in our life so reach out to The Whole Food Health Coach, LLC for yourself or for the man in your life where together we can focus on optimizing men’s health and wellness.
I encourage what I call “Flossie Fit-ness” (Fitness the Old Fashion way). Exercise is very important to your health. I believe that fitness is less about what you do in the gym for 60 minutes, and more about what you do all day, every day. Most of our grandparents and great-grandparents didn’t suffer from the 80% of preventable diseases that we suffer from today. Maybe it is because they didn’t pay people to mow their lawns, clean their houses, or wash their cars, or pick up their push mower (WWGFD).
Try Flossie Fitness! Clean your own house. Mop your own floor. Vacuum your own carpets. Move your own furniture. Mow your own lawn. Pull your own weeds. Wash your own car. Walk your own dog. Garden. Cook your own food. Walk, Run, Climb, Row, and Lift heavy things. And if it helps you, just ask yourself, What would Grandma Flossie do?
Yoga can do more than just strengthen and tone your body. In fact, it can do much more – especially for women. It can protect and build our muscles, and since muscle strength helps support our bones as we age, it’s a win-win!
Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year? How did it turn out? If you’re like most people, you didn’t get very far. In fact, a commonly cited statistic suggests that only 8% of people keep their resolutions. There are many reasons for this, but they can be summed up this way: changing our behavior is hard, and most people don’t know how to do it successfully. This is a huge problem, and I see it every day in my practice. It is now clear that that the number one cause of the chronic disease epidemic is not genetic, but behavioral – people making the wrong choices about diet, physical activity, sleep and other lifestyle factors.
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