Shape or ReShape any area of your life! Create a wellness vision that empowers you to reach physical, emotional, mental, professional, relational, financial health and wellness goals. Learn about change-management, explore the stages of change and create a wellness vision applying SMARTER Goals, Stephanie style!
“The word EMPOWER is one of my favorite words of all time! Empower means: To make someone stronger and more confident to claim, control, change or improve their life. I created this class to educate, inspire, and empower you to RECLAIM what you may have lost, to CONTROL what you can control, to CHANGE what’s not working for you, and STRENGTHEN was IS working to improve any area of your life.” – Stephanie
Empowering others is rewarding beyond words, into action. We have the power to change any area of our life, but often easier said than done! We need motivation, inspiration, and an understanding of how change actually happens. This 2-part interactive series is delivered in one 90-minute virtual session, and for a limited time is only $49 per person (with a offer to gift an additional seat to a loved one for only $21) or 2 for $60 and split the cost. Your time will be well spent and you will leave you feeling “stronger and more confident” to shape or reshape any area of your life. You’ve got the power, and you will leave with the tools to get the job done!
Student #1 (you)
Price: $49.00 (Extra Special Pricing)
Student #2 (attending with you):
Price: $21.00 (Extra, extra Special Pricing to gift a friend joining you!)