(770) 846-3515

Facts about Fats

Those of us who have been following the true science of nutrition and not trusted too much in the “generally recognized as safe” approach of our country’s recommendations, have known for decades that the “all fat is bad” message was wrong.  We are paying the price for that wrong message.  

The Most Wonder-FULL Time of Year

It’s here! The most wonderful time of year! A time when our homes and our hearts are full. When we get to be present and enjoy extra time with family and friends.

Last One, Fast One

Prior to 2011, I had never really jogged or run before in my life! However, that year, my younger sister decided to take up jogging and I figured if she could do it, then so could I! I still do not consider myself an avid runner but I enjoy jogging. I have done a few...

Counting Memories, Not Calories

I recently bought a plaque at a Family Fall Festival for my kitchen. It states, “In this kitchen we count memories not calories.” As soon as I saw it, I just had to have it! It describes exactly what I believe about our family kitchen. Don’t get me wrong,...

Getting Ready for the Best School Year Ever

It’s the most wonderful time of year – back-to-school season!! I am a self-proclaimed back-to-school nerd! I love everything about back-to-school season and especially the school supplies list. The smell of new books and notebooks makes me smile. The thrill of having...

Men’s Health

This is Men’s Health Month, but these tips work well throughout the year!  We love the men in our life so reach out to The Whole Food Health Coach, LLC for yourself or for the man in your life where together we can focus on optimizing men’s health and wellness.