Coaching Individuals, Groups, Corporations, and other Coaches!
Education, Inspiration, Motivation, and Accountability!
A holistic approach to wellness starts with understanding how your Core Values, Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition choices integrate and set the stage for your overall health. I will teach you simple sustainable principles that will help you take charge of your health and achieve optimal weight correction and wellness. I know that there are many options out there, but let’s get back to basics! We will concentrate on the food that is grown (not manufactured) and minimally processed (if at all) and in its most organic form. We will focus on eating whole food wherever possible before manufacturers get their hands on it “enhancing” or “enriching” it, and often destroying its nutrition value to our body. Feeding your family well shouldn’t be such a challenge. Learn how easy it can be to avoid nutrition-related diseases, improve learning and behavior, control weight, increase energy levels, prepare healthy snacks/food, and more!
Smart Shopping
Don’t let the aisles and aisles of choices at the grocery store intimidate you. Shop with confidence when you discover the secret to identifying healthy foods. Receive a notebook, grocery pad, and recipes for foods you will love as much as your body does! Experience personalized attention during this fun shopping trip and learn the value of real food. Go home from the store set up for success!
Group Presentations
These fun, interactive and educational health and wellness presentations are memorable and packed full of practical, affordable tips and information. Perfect for corporate retreats, community events, health fairs, business lunch-n-learns, churches, schools, and more! Group presentations can be 30-minute motivational talks to 4 hours of education on nutrition, body systems for healthy physical, mental and emotional wellness, or weekend wellness retreats. One big topic these days is brain health, stress reduction, mental health and emotion wellness.
Coach2coach Training
Stephanie Wolfe developed The Coach2coach (1:1) and Coach2coaches (group) training programs in 2017. She believes if she can help coaches to grow and strengthen their practices, she can help the industry to grow and strengthen as well! “We need more health coaches, but what we really need more of is effective health coaches who build successful coaching practices.” After building a successful practice, and enjoying the benefits since 2014, many coaches seek Stephanie’s wisdom as they develop their own practices. There are three specific ways to benefit from her training and mentoring in this area. Coach2coaches training is a group Zoom coaching experience. Coach2coach is an individual Zoom coaching experience. The Coach2coaches LIVE! is a coach’s only weekend (Friday 8am through Saturday 12pm) in her office & training center in Sugar Hill, GA. These demo workshops are complete with information, great fun and healthy food with recipes. Group time at Stephanie’s home is also a part of the weekend program!
Individual Assessments
Fill out the 3-page assessment form and schedule an appointment to discuss where you have been, where you are now and where you would like to be. I will help you discover the best ways to achieve your health goals during this personal consultation where we will evaluate your current lifestyle, identify your needs, and work together to develop a plan specific to your age, body type, budget, and specific health challenges. This can be achieved in online coaching or in person. Optimal wellness begins with having the knowledge, practical tools, and accountability to make, implement, and maintain healthy Character, Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition. This personalized 7-week journey is a complete wellness program that focuses on sustainable changes and comes with the proprietary “Coach in your Corner” concept to stay connected through face-to-face meetings, phone consults, quick texts or emails with your coach. It is designed to empower you for better control and confidence. This in-depth education, healthy meal suggestions, recipes, customized for you can address numbers correction (weight, cholesterol, blood pressure, sugar, inflammation) or just offer a comprehensive plan for living “Long and Strong.” Let’s talk!
Workplace Wellness Programs
For every dollar spent on employee wellness programs, employers receive three to four dollars in healthcare savings according to researchers at Brigham Young University. Let me provide a wellness program customized to fit your corporate needs and you will see how it positively affects productivity, focus, morale, energy, and emotional stress, and how it reduces employee turnover, injuries, and absenteeism! You pick the dates and times and I’ll bring the education and the fun! Be a hero to your corporation!
Online Classes
Gain the accountability and knowledge of a personal wellness coach while learning from home! This gives me the opportunity to help individuals all around the world! It is less expensive for both of us. Learn easy, whole food ways you can simplify your life while improving your overall health, weight, energy, and focus. This is an convenient and affordable option for the busy person, and for the person who likes my style but doesn’t live in or around Atlanta, Georgia. You don’t even need to be in my time zone! Register for Online Classes.
C.L.E.A.N. Concepts – Customized wellness solutions for families, groups and individuals
Need some extra assistance in achieving your health goals, knowing what to eat, when to eat it, or how to shop for quality foods? I offer a variety of one-on-one wellness solutions for those seeking a personalized guide to better health. I inspire and educate individuals, families, and groups. One easy and fun choice at a time! We will focus on Character, Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude and Nutrition to make choices you can live with (literally)! How you care, how you live, how you move, how you think, and how you eat are the 5 Concepts to lead you to success that will last a lifetime. You will be an inspiration to others and offer a legacy of health to your children. It is FUN to feel good!