(770) 846-3515

Another week has come and gone! What choices did you make that you are pleased with, and what choices will you make differently in the coming days?  Well, we are all busy and “life” happens to us, doesn’t it? The problem with life is . . . it’s so . . . daily.  Well, being thankful is the way to approach each and every moment we have with family and friends. I recently had the opportunity to speak for a group of pregnant teen students at Marietta High School. I shared my story of life, pregnancy at 15 and how now 41 years marriage of our own, 2 kids with secure marriages and 3 fabulous grand kids later, my story gets applause.  However, I didn’t know then what I know now, and it was hard getting to this place, but well worth it!  I can shine as a beacon of hope – that you will make it too, and any one of us can make something wonderful of ourselves with every single choice that we make – SO MAKE GOOD ONES! I love that you are all making good ones – not perfectly, remember my good, better, best philosophy and don’t get bogged down!

The next day I spoke for corporation owners about their food health and disease prevention – a very stressed group of people I might add – their poor, sick, overworked, completely stressed minds and bodies!!  I told them: “find your WHY – and live it out every moment, with every fiber of your being, in every area of your life – body, soul, and spirit. I talked about cancer and of my goal to help all my clients die only of old age!  I spoke of my own cancer and the devastation that I saw in my son’s eyes when I told him of my diagnosis. I NEVER WANT TO SEE THAT LOOK AGAIN! And believe me, you do not want to ever see it.  My goal is to prevent that look in the face of children around the world by putting the tools in your hands to prevent it too!

Chad Half Iron Man (23)My son, Chad, pictured with me here some years later, was a teenager when I went through breast cancer.  He was moved to train for a Half Iron Man in my honor last year.  This photo was taken at that event.  He raised money for cancer prevention and I am very proud of him and his stand for health and fitness! He is dedicated to health and fitness and leads his 2 girls in the same!

Listen, slow down.  Spend the money on health and fitness, not on TVs, Cars, and Computers.  They have their place, but if you can afford them, then you can afford to get nutritional coaching, fitness trainers, and healthy foods!

My family is my Why!  What is your WHY?