I Shape Me – One Choice at a Time! Shape or ReShape any area of your life! Create a wellness vision that empowers you to reach physical, emotional, mental, professional, relational, financial health and wellness goals.
Those of us who have been following the true science of nutrition and not trusted too much in the “generally recognized as safe” approach of our country’s recommendations, have known for decades that the “all fat is bad” message was wrong. We are paying the price for that wrong message.
I Shape Me is an Empowering message. What is the Power and how to use the Power that belongs to you to get into Healthy Shape! What Shape am I in now? What Shape do I want to be? How can I get into that Shape? Why is that Shape important to me?
I Shape Me is an Empowering message. What is the Power and how to use the Power that belongs to you to get into Healthy Shape! What Shape am I in now? What Shape do I want to be? How can I get into that Shape? Why is that Shape important to me?
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