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Inflammation is a healthy immune response to fight off disease, infection, or a trauma to the body. We actually need inflammation to heal, that’s why our body responds the way it does to any of these invaders. However, chronic inflammation over-taxes the immune system, leaving the body vulnerable to illness and disease. Especially, Chronic low-level inflammation that consistently abuses the system meant to protect us. Chronic low-level inflammation is caused by toxicity in the body. Toxins are substances that create irritation in the body. Some toxins are created internally as a natural byproduct of cellular activity, while others such as pollutants in our air and water systems (which we cannot control), but in my opinion, we overtax the system mostly by what we CAN control and often DON’T: chemical additives, processed foods, pesticides in our soil, chemicals in products we use on our skin and hair, the drugs and medications we take, and the abuse of alcohol. These are all are ingested voluntarily and haphazardly.
Okay, so what does inflammation do to my body?

In essence, any substance — even “healthy” ones — in excess can result in toxicity. Anything the body can’t utilize or eliminate can create inflammation in the cells and tissues, interfering with regular bodily functions, and resulting in a range of symptoms, including but not limited to:
• chronic headaches
• sluggishness
• bloating
• eczema
• brain fog
• gas
• abnormal bowel function
• joint pain
• allergies
• depression and mood swings
• cravings for starchy, salty and/or sugary foods
• weight gain/loss

What can we do to help lower the impact of Inflammation?
Our bodies are incredibly intuitive and sophisticated and we possess an amazing natural detoxification system made up of the 1) gastrointestinal tract, 2) the respiratory system, 3) the lymphatic system, 4) the urinary tract, and 5) the skin. This is where inflammation will show itself, giving us warning that it exists in the body.

When everything is functioning optimally, these systems rid our bodies of toxins we ingest and produce (thus the sophisticated design). However, when we overload our systems with toxicity (overeating, regular ingestion of drugs and alcohol, poor diet, chronic stress, lack of exercise), the body is unable to effectively detoxify and your immune system flares up to respond to the un-flushed toxins. The result is chronic, low level inflammation that eventually suppresses the immune system.

Studies have linked chronic inflammation to everything from allergies to cancer.
You can reduce inflammation in the body by eating an anti-inflammatory diet rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, and omega-3 fatty acids, found in foods like wild salmon. Limiting stress and following a regular exercise routine will also help reduce unhealthy inflammation.

stephanie wolfe picStephanie Wolfe is a Certified Health Coach with Dr. William Sears, MD. She creates customized nutrition programs for a varied clientele all over the country, helping each person create their own unique road map to optimal health using her tried and true Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition as the 4 pillars of health and wellness. Own your future, call me today!