Mental Fitness Routine! WHY NOT? We have a physical fitness routine to take care of our body/physical health, so with this course we will learn a mental fitness routine to take care of our brain/mental health!
A mind is a terrible thing to waste. That slogan goes back four decades but it is still an iconic message and so much more than a catchy phrase. Taking care of our mental and emotional health is just as important as it has ever been, maybe even more so. Our minds are capable of so much, but we often take them for granted. Let’s do a little mental workout today as a part of developing a healthy mental fitness routine.
It all takes place in nanoseconds without much thought (pun intended). In fact, when I write my messages, often time my thoughts are coming faster than my fingers can physically type them. Our neurotransmitters are firing on all cylinders! We don’t always get it right, and we often misunderstand, or need to hear things again, and again, but much of the time we take all of this for granted.
Our minds blow my mind! (Picture a little emoji with its mind being blown). Right now, your mind is computing, translating, and comprehending all on its own. My mind is formulating words that my fingers typed using specific keys to turn letters into words and words into sentences, that you are now reading to decide it this class is worth your time! IT IS!
Student #1 (you)
Price: $100.00 (Extra Special Pricing)