(770) 846-3515

Don’t skip meals.  Especially Breakfast!  It is the most important meal of the day.  Start your morning off right with a healthy, brainy, fat-burning breakfast!   You’ve heard it all before, but do you listen?  No!  What you eat first, sets the stage for healthy or unhealthy choices for the rest of the day.  Wake up and fuel your body well!  What does it need?  Well, I’m glad you asked.  It needs the right balance of complex carbohydrates and proteins and very little sugar (and only if you must).  This combination both stimulates and relaxes the brain for optimal performance.  Avoid anything with high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, artificial ingredients of any kind.   Three reasons for a Brainy Breakfast: 1) Builds brighter brains.  Research has shown that those who begin the day with a healthy breakfast do better in school and at work.  2) Promotes better behavior and mood.  Both children and adults can be faced with the challenge of controlling their emotions and actions.  A nutritious breakfast steadies the blood sugar, which in turn steadies both behavior and mood.  3) Helps control weight.  You can’t stay lean by skipping breakfast.  In fact, those who skip breakfast or who eat a junk-food breakfast are more likely to be overweight.  Those who eat a nutritious breakfast are more likely to eat better food for the rest of the day.  An Egg, whole wheat toast, and an orange is amazing.  Peanut butter and banana slices on a whole wheat English muffin or rolled up into whole wheat flour tortilla is fun too!  If I’m in a hurry, I start my day with a Juice Plus Complete Protein Shake – I love the french vanilla with Organic GrassMilk, almond milk, kefir or water, and I add frozen fruit like peaches, pineapple, banana or mixed berries or any combination of those.  It is a grab-and-go brainy breakfast! (if you want to try it click this link http://swolfe.juiceplus.com/content/JuicePlus/en.html)Please tell me what your favorite brainy breakfast would be!