(770) 846-3515

Enjoy the Second Half of Life!

Stephanie in the Caribbean

Stephanie in the Caribbean

I am now 58 years old (just had a birthday), but in my mind I am still 38.  I say 38 because I loved my 30s and 20 years ago seems like a good round number.  I remember living in the first half of my life and thought that I didn’t want to grow old, but old is actually growing on me now.  Well, it beats the alternative.  I agree with the Kenny Chesney song lyrics, Everybody wants to go to heaven, nobody wants to go now.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m ready spiritually…but not so ready physically.  Plus, I am really loving my prime time years.  What could be better than prime time?!  The best shows are on during prime time.  The most traffic is on the road during prime time.  And if you are a health nut like me, even prime time can be healthy!

It’s really not about how old you are; it’s about how old you feel !

You’re as young as you feel, they say, and I agree with them (whoever they are)!  I feel young, healthy, energetic, strong, sharp, and on a good-hair-day even pretty!  The important thing is, I feel full of life and though I am well into my second half, I am proud to be in the prime of my life!  Do you feel that way?

I now have a class called Prime Time Health! 

Prime Time Health is a class for those over 40 who want to take charge of their health, prevent disease, avoid disability and spend money on something other than doctors, hospitals, and medication!   It is a scientifically proven plan for healthy aging.  I really don’t like the word aging, but as I said earlier, it doesn’t have to be a bad word, and you don’t have to dread being counted among us! 

I will teach you to: 1) Open your Internal Pharmacy 2) Make Health a Hobby 3) Move Waste from your Waste and 4) Live Without Pain and Inflammation.  How, you say!  With my newest class – 4 weeks and 9 topics that will teach you how to add years to your life and life to your years!  These workshops include hands-on activities, workbooks, handouts, healthy snack recipes, and more.

Understanding how the body changes during prime time is the key to healthy living in the second half of your life.

Preventing illness and disease is not as difficult as everyone seems to think, IF you know what you need to know as you approach the prime time years of your life.  You can boost your energy, stress less, sleep better and sharpen your thinking IF you know what you need to know as you age.  You can reduce the risk of cancer and even lower the “highs” of blood pressure and cholesterol IF you know what you need to know as your birthdays approach year after year.  You, yes YOU, can become fit, strong and flexible IF you know what you need to know!!

So I ask you, DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW?  You may not know what you don’t know until you know it!  So, let’s take the IF out of aging and make sure that you know what you need to know!  Contact me to see when the next course is in your area or invite me to speak at your church, synagogue, HOA, PTA, AARP, ESPCA (now I’m just being silly), but I hope you get the point.  This is important information so wherever 10 or more people want to learn, I will be there to teach!

Cheers to Our Second Half!
